Free Plumbing Upgrades to Reduce Lead-in-Water

LeadCare Complete supports a safe and healthy learning environment by offering licensed Chicago child care providers free plumbing upgrades to reduce lead in drinking water.

Safe water for Chicago children

Children Washing Their Hands

How the Program Works

Paper Checklist Icon

Site Visit

A program specialist will visit your home or facility to identify sources of lead in your water and create a strategy to reduce lead levels.

Handwashing Sink Icon

Plumbing Work

A licensed plumber will install the free plumbing upgrades to address the sources of lead in your facility.

Email-Delivery. Opened Envelope and Document Icon.


We’ll help you retest your water to ensure your lead levels are below 2.01 ppb. If needed, we will perform additional upgrades.

How Do We Help Providers?

About LeadCare Complete

LeadCare Complete serves licensed home and center-based child care providers in Chicago with a lead-in-water result of 2.01 ppb or higher. We completely cover the costs to conduct a plumbing assessment, install filters, and remove and replace plumbing containing lead, such as faucets and water fountains. LeadCare Complete also helps with follow-up lead-in-water testing to ensure that lead levels go down following the installed upgrades.  

LeadCare Complete is made possible through a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency grant and support from the City of Chicago.

Collecting Tap Water For Testing Sample
Young Child Drinking Water From Glass

LeadCare Complete makes lead mitigation easy. We will handle everything for you!

Our services are designed to bring you peace of mind and allow you to focus on the children you serve. The following resources are provided at no cost to you 

  1. A LeadCare Specialist dedicated to supporting you at every step of your program journey, including identification of sources of lead in your plumbing
  2. Lead-reducing plumbing upgrades installed free of charge by a licensed plumber
  3. Assistance in retesting your water for lead to ensure the new plumbing upgrades have reduced lead levels
  4. Support from program staff to answer questions

Reduction in children’s exposure to lead in drinking water

To protect children from possible exposure to lead in water, the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) licensing standards require child care facilities to test their water and if lead is detected at 2.01ppb or higher, install mitigation methods to reduce lead.  

To ensure your LeadCare Complete plumbing upgrades have reduced lead in your facility’s water, LeadCare Complete will provide free testing kits following any installation.

You want to create a safe environment for the children you serve, and we can help! LeadCare Complete contributes to a safe and healthy learning environment while helping you comply with state laws. 

Serving Child Water at Lunch